
Notes - rockylinux 9 with packer, qemu, and kickstart

2023-10-09 11:26:00 -0700

Working on something longer about sort of “from scratch” infra and had to wrangle packer qemu and a set of instructions from around the web. Not meant as a guide for setting this up but a PURPOSEFULLY INCOMPLETE writeup

Add the plugin to the packer file

packer {
  required_plugins {
    qemu = {
      version = "~> 1"
      source  = "github.com/hashicorp/qemu"

Add our qemu rockylinux setup

source "qemu" "rocky9" {
  # You'll need the iso_url and checksum
  iso_url          = "..."
  iso_checksum     = "sha256:..."
  output_directory = "out"
  shutdown_command = "echo 'changemerocky' | sudo -S shutdown -P now"

  # this size is awfully big but the 'qcow2' format is "sparse". that means
  # that it won't take up that much space unless
  disk_size        = "100000M"
  format           = "qcow2"

  # without kvm and qemuargs -cpu host i kept getting kernel panics!
  # But you have to have kvm setup
  accelerator      = "kvm"
  qemuargs = [[
    "-cpu", "host"
  # without expanding the memory, the ramdisk kept filling up
  memory         = "1024"

  # user and pass are created by the kickstart files
  ssh_username   = "rocky"
  ssh_password   = "changemerocky"
  ssh_timeout    = "10m"

  vm_name        = "rocky9-example"
  boot_wait      = "5s"

  # the kickstart file references /dev/vda and it comes from this.
  disk_interface = "virtio"

  # The opearting system on the iso file can reach out to the network.
  http_directory = "kickstart/"
  boot_command = [
    # tab to swap to a mode that lets you type in stuff into the default linux kernel args
    # delete the phrase 'quiet' so we can get more text.
    # inst.text puts the installer in text mode as we may not have a monitor.
    #   lots of sources just use 'text' and 'ks' but those do not work 
    #   in newer versions of rocky
    # inst.ks is how we get the booted system to find the rest of the installation
    # instructions. we fetch it from the network! [1]
    "inst.ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/rocky9-kvm-ks.cfg",
    # enter causes us to boot and well, wait does what it says


One of the implications of kickstart is that you could build your own CDROM or thumbdrive that just points to a file on a public or private server. The file would then be run on any compatible machine you put the cdrom or thumbnail drive.

Exercise for the reader: think of the implications, good and bad, of this setup.

The (incomplete) kickstart file:

Most of this came from here but was tweaked for the software i’m running.

# A bunch of sources use the term 'install' but that did not seem to work
lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
network --bootproto=dhcp --hostname=rocky9-example
user --name=example --groups=wheel --plaintext --password=changemerocky
rootpw changemerocky
timezone UTC
# bootloaders are an article itself.
bootloader --append=' crashkernel=auto' --location=mbr --boot-drive=vda
ignoredisk --only-use=vda


clearpart --none --initlabel

part pv.305 --fstype='lvmpv' --ondisk=vda --size=98000
part /boot --fstype='ext4' --ondisk=vda --size=1024 --label=BOOT
volgroup VGsystem --pesize=4096 pv.305
logvol /opt  --fstype='ext4' --size=5120 --name=LVopt --vgname=VGsystem
logvol /usr  --fstype='ext4' --size=10240 --name=LVusr --vgname=VGsystem
logvol /var  --fstype='ext4' --size=10240 --name=LVvar --vgname=VGsystem
logvol swap  --fstype='swap' --size=4096 --name=LVswap --vgname=VGsystem
logvol /  --fstype='ext4' --size=10240 --label='ROOT' --name=LVroot --vgname=VGsystem
logvol /tmp  --fstype='ext4' --size=5120 --name=LVtmp --vgname=VGsystem
logvol /var/log  --fstype='ext4' --size=10240 --name=LVvarlog --vgname=VGsystem
logvol /home  --fstype='ext4' --size=5120 --name=LVhome --vgname=VGsystem
firstboot --disabled
eula --agreed
services --disabled='chronyd' --enabled='sshd'
%packages --ignoremissing --excludedocs